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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Monday, May 15, 2006

Renewing ties with Libya...diplomatic forgiveness.

Today is one of those days of international miracles...we are friends with Libya again and I am glad. Forgiveness is important. Also today S. Hussein's trial entered his plea sans him. They are saying a month for the defense now. These two events are caught up in my painting...
The Sultaness of The Sea.

I painted it right after the Lockerbie tragedy in Scotland. Most of the young people on the plane were near my daughter's age, returning home from a happy time in Europe, something I wanted to do. It changed my life. I painted this from the idea of the Whore of Babylon in Revelation. She is on a flying carpet so she moves wherever the scent of GREED or excessive sin is. I found her in San Francisco in the 90's when I lived there.

Libya took credit for the bombing and has been forgiven. Saddam Hussein sponsored suicide bombers in Israel and reeked terror in his homeland as its leader. His trial has shed plenty of light upon his horrorific deeds against Muslims and Christians. He was a leader gone mad of the Sunni Muslims and I am glad he is no longer in control. The Sunnis don't deserve him.

What is terrorism but madness. Excessiveness is madness. Our lives are changed because of it. Can't we live in peace? That is what our Lord wants. For all of us to live in peace and love one another. Libya gives me hope.

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