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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day and more...

I'm a grandmother. Blessed with a granddaughter named Moriah and twin grandsons, Josh and Jake, My life is renewed through them. They are just amazing to me even though I don't get to see them since they live far away. I only have one daughter and she was like a miracle and never did I expect several grandchildren from her, in fact I thought she would marry but not have children. So I am very blessed. My son-in-law is a wonderful parent and husband, devoted to his family. I don't worry anymore about them, about her. My anxieties that came from being a single parent have subsided (that is possible) and well, grandchildren are something else.

Although there have been moments and my daughter doesn't always think I know what is best. In the end, though, she agrees. It usually is about safety or health or social values.

I love them, love them all! I hope they grow up to be who they want to be! I always try to send them musical or art related toys or things. They got a kereoke machine last Christmas to share. Then I send them a Christmas in July present. I have an old electronic keyboard with all kinds of sounds and drums. I think I'll ship it to them to play in their playloft in their barn on rainy days.

The music is about me and my dad and my mom's devotion to it. My dad and his wonderful orchestra in the 40's. More on that in this blog later.

My mom sends out cards to all her children thanking them or something about Mother's Day. We just spent 3 days going to museums here in the Bay area and I had to keep up with this 83 year old lady!! We took the train to San Francisco to the new de Young Museum and the Arts and Crafts Design Show, and then buses around the city. We had to sprint for them and we never missed a connection. She's fast...but was a runner in track in hs so I imagine that is why. LOL!!!!!! We were at the Rosicrucian Museum (Egyptology) and she found their trip to India going in 2 years. (Making plans) Of course, the San Jose Museum of Art was our first day and we had a wonderful time viewing Caliente art and Rivera's abstracts. It was so much fun to talk art, Egyptology, and design with her. I treated her out to Mongolian BBQ and she treated me out to Cheesecake Factory plus lunch. I furnished food at my home.

Well, this has ended the desert prayer time of Pentacost for me. I am playing tennis weekly, swimming and working on my business. A friend and I went to the Blues Festival yesterday and heard some fabulous guitar! Next weekend is the 1st California Poets Festival! I can't wait. I'm taking my book. Hope I meet some other poets and poetry lovers.

There has been lots of green activities. I missed some like Endangered Species Day because I have been switching my Internet service over to dsl and I have a lot of files and addresses to change.

Hope this day is a good one. I think I may go for a bike ride later.

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