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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Poetry, Poetics and Love

You will find poetry nowhere unless you bring some with you.

A friend sent me this graphic just before I went to the 1st California Poets Festival here in San Jose, CA at History Park. At the Park is The Edwin Markham House which is where the Poetry Center San Jose is located and where the Festival was centered. It also spilled out into the Park where the Fire Engine House contained the Small Press people, a trolley was the meeting place for a haiku group of poets to read.

It was wonderful fun and we got to meet the Poet Laureate of California, Al Young, who was an entertaining poet of great stature and captured his audience with hilarious anecdotes of politics in Sacramento from the Governor to the First Lady to the Assembly! What a gift to have wit and humor in poetic forms! The man was the embodiment of wisdom from his beautiful white hair, to his impeccable clothes, to his gorgeous deep resonating voice! His humor spanned his African-American heritage to just plain ole American to travels abroad and I relished that!

A good-looking gentleman sat down near me after lunch break and asked me why I was there. I told him some of my poetry growth and my new book. I told him how poetry had become a way of thinking for me even and I didn't write it down all the time, how I had purposively searched for the poetic mind because I was tired of the way we communicate in English. This is the Voice that poets speak about. I have my Voice now and what a blessing! I mentioned as Mr. Young had that Poetics had been removed from politics by Plato in ancient Greece in the formation of the Republic. What fools these mortals be! (Shakespeare)

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...

Romans 12:2

The good-looking man wanted to know if it did me any good. I said that it reduced my stress levels considerably. I didn't mention that I don't buy wine or alcohol any more to relax or escape from the world.

In the Engine Room, I had fun telling a couple of small press people how I got my poetry book together from volunteer teaching children who barely spoke English!

Oh, it was great fun Saturday. All this searching for the face of my Lord, and a friend shows me, He gives me mine!

In the Blind Blink

In the blind blink.
Madness! It's madness!
It's only poetry.


Kathy said...

sounds like you had a great time.

Anonymous said...

This is very interesting site...
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