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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Decorations are up, what do I want for Christmas?

Yesterday I officially finished my Christmas decorating. The wreath is on the door, the artificial tree is lit up and I even added a few new ornaments this year plus real candy canes for people to pick off to eat during the season. The windows are trimmed with blinking, colorful lights. I have a lovely angel on my table with various candles in crystal holders that makes eating there more a pleasure. This year there is a new multi-color satin runner with beads that perk it up. When the guests come for the open house the night before Christmas Eve, I am sure they will comment on the gleaming table. It is fun to add a few decorations on to perk up the traditional ones. I think though that next year I may have to replace most of the lights. I saw the new LED lights at a department store this week and they seem like a good idea.

The first thing I did to begin decorating was to buy live plants. That really helped me get into the spirit. It was right after Thanksgiving and Safeway, which now has a complete florist shop, was featuring some gorgeous flowering plants. I had a hard time deciding but was glad the shop lady didn't push the poinsettas on me. I picked a delicate lavendar-pink Christmas cactus which is now halfway blooming, and a small salmon-colored tea rose with at least 15 buds, now flowering 5. It is beautiful at my plant center where I keep Silver. His home has his stocking hung on the front! LOL! I put a few little tea lite candles here and there and Christmas animal toys for my benefit because I never grow up, especially at this time of year!

Last night I called my mom to ask what she wanted for Christmas. I have already sent my daughter and son-in-law their cards and gifts and of course, my grandchildren. They will have fun with their presents for years to come! Well, she didn't know and I said, "Well, I know, I always ask if you want this or that and you say no so I just fix your computer for you and give you some of my cards from my store."

Mom sighed and said, "I guess I just want some peace in this world. If you could box that up I'd like that"

Well, it so happens I was going to just go out and get some pretty Christmas boxes and set them under the tree with Christmas prayers and wishes. So that is what I will do for her. I think there will be a couple of Peace boxes there this year.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Thanks for sending the link.
I am sorry you couldn't get the graphic to animate.
I like your new place.
