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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Lighting candles, cooling off, thinking, after Canada.

Searching through my environmental newslinks I couldn't find any angry articles for what happened in Canada during the last two weeks. Not until today and CNN posted this link...

Deal reached at climate conference (sans USA)

The reason is the environmental groups have already been angry and are posting all the good stuff that came out globally. The US is the leading perpertrator of greenhouse gases and we have a only accepted a water-down proposal for future exploratory talks. UGH! Meanwhile American oil and gas companies could pay $10 billion to drill in the Arctic Refuge where the polar cap is already melting. What is the world without polar bears? I don't know and don't want to know. Ford Company was complaining that we don't have the knowledge or parts to build the better hybrids coming out of Japan. DUH! Let's see. Kyoto Protocol, sounds Japanese. The Japanese took over the US lead in education, environmental ideas, well stands to reason...a better hybrid car in a global market which is only going to grow. Is that tunnel vision in Detroit and Washington, D. C.? Where were we standing when all this happened? Hoodwinked and reved up by status symbol land.

I know California voters put emission controls on their cars, it is one of if not THE leading state for the green life in this country. Solar homes is the latest big push! Yipee!

Here is some of the scary conclusions and predictions coming out of the UN Conference in Canada...

That the accumulation of emissions from gasoline powered engines, power plants, and other fossil fuel burning industries contributed over the last century to the earth's temperature being raised 1 degree F.

That continued warming or use of these fuels will melt glaciers (already happening), shrink the Arctic ice cap (already happening), heat up the oceans and raise sea levels. The scientists from the conferences predict major climate disruptions in coming decades.

We give thanks to you, Lord God
The One who is and who was,
because you have taken your great
and have begun to reign.
The nations were angry;
and your wrath has come.
and for destroying those who destroy
the earth.
Revelation 11:17-18

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