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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Friday, December 02, 2005

Nuclear Winter Warning: The plutonium pits... did you check the duct taped vents?

Livermore Labs here in California can now double its plutonium amounts kept on site. We as citizens won't know if they do or not because it is top secret. It does put the San Francisco Bay area in extreme harms' way. One of the reasons it was shut down was duct tape was found across ventilation screens to keep IT out. Oh please!! Duct tape to keep out plutonium. How sloppy can you get!

New Mexico is moving its plutonium to the Nevada Test Site in the desert. How come we don't rate with our huge population? The lab officials are worried that if the plutonium is taken elsewhere, its weapons program will have to shut down.

Really. Weapons such as in Weapons of Mass Destruction because that is what nuclear weapons is about. So we are growing more WMDs right here in my backyard!

Not only does one microscopic particle of plutonium if lodged in the lungs could cause cancer and other diseases. Also it makes the Lab a big terrorist target.

Not only plutonium pits (or cores) will increase in production but the supply of tritium, a radioactive gas used in weapons production, can increase nearly 10 x!!!

How do our leaders keep a straight face in so called peace negotiations when this escalation is going on? We have more nuclear devices and radioactive materials outside of Russia than any other nation in the world. That is why I don't feel safe.

MELTDOWN. I don't want it near me. Germany just ordered all its nuclear materials buried under tons of concrete because it will take over 100,000 years for it to cool off.

This nightmare must stop.

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