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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Saturday, August 15, 2009


It's vacation time and a lot of people are staying home. Californians are blessed because this is a vaction place. In July my mom and I went to the California Academy of Science and saw the white albino alligator and large turtle in the Swamp, an indoor rain forest, the Aquarium which is wonderful, and the rooftop garden where these happy children are chasing bubbles. We had rain check tickets from our earlier visit that was cut short due to alarms going off for 2 hours. Here you can learn everything about global warming. I found as green as I live, I still emitt over 4 tons of CO2 but fit in the Green category right next to 3rd world countries who are tops.
Then we went to the SF Museum of Modern Art to see the Ansel Adams and Georgia O'Keefe show (WOW!) and the Richard Avedon photos show (another WOW!) Mom had met Ansel Adams when they all lived in Carmel and he had invited her and my stepfather to his house for a party. Truly one of the best American art shows I have ever seen.
After we got home my mom became ill and after an ambulance lift to the closest hospital, she has been in the ICU, CU Unit, and now nursing facility across the street until she is strong enough to go home. I am wanting her to sell her house in Monterey CO. and move here to San Jose where I can look after her. She is 86 and maybe gardening and lawn care, and housework in a 4 bedroom is just too much. Anyway that was my last staycation. Now I am busy everyday looking in on my mom, taking care of her business for her, looking after Smokey at her house, and still trying to expand my web-based business. We had plans to go to Pt. Reyes National Seashore for the last northern watercolor for my series and then wander on up Highway 1 to Mendocino, CA where neither of us have been. Maybe when she feels better this fall. Meanwhile, the California coast is free of offshore oil drilling, baby! Yeah! I just started my large coastal acrylics series before the budget was signed. Yippee! I plan to catch views up and down the coast for gallery shows.
Yes, it's August, time to relax and take a vacation! Come to California!

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