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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Monday, July 31, 2006

Ocean Champions

Sometimes I Google my name or business name or my books to see what comes up in the search. The other night I used my full name and found out I had been made an Ocean Champion along with a dear friend of mine who does the same things I do... email Congresspeople and sign petitions on behalf of the wildlife in the oceans and for the oceans themselves. If you go to Ocean, you will find the prominent and appropriate Congresspeople being listed as they are nominated as Champions. I feel very honored to be listed with these people although it would be hard to find my name or my friend's. Just to be counted meant a lot since we both have spent quite a bit of our time sending emails off to these people and other friends, signing petitions and of course, I blog for the oceans as well.

Featured is Moonstone Beach in Cambria, California, at the foot or the beginning of the Monterey Bay Marine Life Sanctuary, which ever way you are coming from. It is a gray sandy beach and Cambria has several art galleries and gift shops and is a quaint, small town to stop by and visit along Highway 1.

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