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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Friday, June 02, 2006

Pentacost Weekend

Pentacost weekend is at hand. Most of Christianity has left it behind and yet it is one of the most important events in our religion. The first Pentacost was celebrated with Mary, mother of Jesus and the remaining diciples 50 days after Christ had risen from the grave and 10 days after Ascension. It is the time when they receive the Holy Spirit, the Great Comforter and God's gifts shower down upon them. Gifts like knowledge, prophecy, wisdom, speaking in tongue, power to heal and more. Everyone thought they were drunk when they came outside after they had received the Holy Spirit they felt so good!

We still may receive gifts from God through the Holy Spirit, especially during Pentacost. The Holy Spirit isn't new but is mentioned in the Old Testament often from Genesis to Zechariah. For Job it was his inner guidance and it is how God gave the Jewish people clean hearts and changed lives.

Come Holy Spirit, we need you!

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