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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Odds and ends...

Well, we're really into spring now but the temps are still cool because of marine winds coming in off the ocean. The marine layer I believe they call it, always a welcome relief in the summer months. The flowers are breathtaking and everywhere. I find it hard to take my eyes off of them when I am out. The wind keeps me from riding my bike but that will stop...maybe today.

I played tennis over the holiday weekend and felt a wonderful stretch. All the winter blues are leaving me. Tomorrow I go to an SBA business seminar at the Entrepreneur Center. I need a boost.

Working on my art, so many sketches, worked up a watercolor sketch of one of my grandchildren. Flowing love poems spilling out of my mind when I wake up in the middle of the night. I have one written out, ideas and titles for 8-9 more. I may end up with a slim, little, love book. So pent up from not writing out the poetry, it is like stretching; like the tennis.

My mom donated her wonderful fan collection to the Fan Museum in Healdsburg, CA (yes, such a place). So we have made plans for a day trip so I can get the Farralone Islands MLS sketched and we can go see the museum. What a wonderful day. It is life affirming to have time stretch out ahead into happy events like this one.

There are some successes with environmental causes in Congress lately. Cause to rejoice!

Spring is full of surprises and I have found some wonderful ones! Poetry, trips, exercising the winter blues away, family art, political success, gorgeous flowers. I always look for new ones. This year it was a beautiful row of pink flowering trees, the flowers like roses in clusters. Have to find out the name of them.

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