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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Monday, April 24, 2006

Walking Down The King's Highway

It's the time between Easter and Pentacost. Spring is slowly warming up our Valley here in California and the rains have stopped at least for now. Gorgeous flowering bushes, trees and plants are everywhere. It is a Sacred Season for 40 days to Ascencion that marks the time when Christ ascends to heaven. Then the 10 days after which is Pentacost which marks the descent of the Holy Spirit to Jesus' followers. This is a very spiritual time and one in which we may receive gifts and blessings from our Father in heaven. It is the time to gather in a church community to celebrate and praise our Lord and worship the Glory of God in the Highest for giving us the gift of life in Paradise Forever.

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