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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Baptism by water

Every Christian must be baptised by water. It is an outward sign of faith.

When I was 7, I asked to be baptised in my church which was The First Christian Church. It was the church of my paternal grandfather and my mother. This church had a baptismal basin or bath behind the alter. It was such an experience. I believe it is why the story of Peter and the diciples on the boat in the storm and Christ walking on the water means so much to me. It was a real act of faith to let my trusted pastor bend me backward and take me under the water. I thought I was drowning and going unconscious. But I could feel my pastor's sure hands and arms holding me and then bringing me up and then his wonderful voice baptising me in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It was pure joy. I was so happy and relieved to be baptised. He spoke to me and I answered but I don't remember. I just remember the feelings of happiness and relief and then leaving the cold water. In my prayers at night I knew that God would watch over my soul while I slept; it gave me great peace. Such happiness entered my life after this that I can't even express it but it has carried me through most of my life. I believe it was a baptism with the Holy Spirit as well.

It was Palm Sunday. My daughter was baptised during the Easter season when she was seven as well only it was the Catholic Church. It wasn't my idea but she was in a Catholic school and she had decided she wanted to be baptised. I didn't want to get in her way and so I converted and went with her. The little sprinkles were so minimal to what I had experienced I couldn't believe it meant much. But then she was offered communion and it was wine and a wafer. She had recently had a tonscilectomy and her throat was still raw. I didn't know, nor she. When she took a sip of the wine she recoiled in pain, her little face so hurt. I wanted to pick her up and run out of the sanctuary with her to home. She never went back to communion again. She left the Catholic Church and became a Protestant during her teen years and I was very pleased.

My grandchildren all attend The Central Christian Church with their parents which is like my childhood church. It is truly amazing to me that no matter what our family differences or how far apart we are, the Lord guides us towards Him. We are all united in His Way and Light.

John the Baptist was Jesus cousin and we hear about him when Mary conceives our Lord through the Holy Spirit because her cousin Elizabeth is carrying John way beyond her years of childbirth, another miracle. John leaps in the womb for joy when Mary approaches his mother. Not until the Baptist is heard of as an adult prophesizing the Coming of the Lord do we hear of him again in the Bible. He has quite a following as he baptises people with water to rid them of their sins, preparing them for the Savior who will guide them to Him and God through His Blood. The Baptists begin at this time, one of the oldest Christian Churches, they have been a profound influence in my life.

John speaks out against incestuous relationships in the court of Herod and he is imprisoned and later beheaded. The persecution begins.

I indeed baptize you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.

Mark 1:8

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