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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Thank you Lord, for all these blessings!

Thank you, thank you Lord Jesus, thank you Father God, thank you, thank you, for all the blessings raining down on us these last few days.

The release of Jill Carroll in Iraq is like a miracle, she unharmed, simply walked into the Sunni offices after 3 months of captivity.

The Christian man in Afghanistan is given safe haven in Italy!

These are blessings in the Christian world that helps provide a peaceful path to living together.

For my own life, I am deeply grateful. As California gets more than its usual share of rain, it seemed to me the Lord was knocking on my window and my heart opened up in prayer. My frustrations in life become more minimal when I feel His Presence.

My personal blessings are finding out my publisher will be keeping my book in print indefinetly! I just couldn't believe it when my publisher's assistant told me in an email today. I told her I am finalizing the copyright and may be shopping it through an agent to Hollywood. I am so excited. Plus, I have a copyright infringement lawsuit pending on this book unless the other party decides to make a business transaction out of court. But I doubt that. No matter what, The Rain Prayer, is going to be around for a long time. I believe it was meant to be.

Another blessing that came into my life was through a surprise email a couple of weeks ago. It was an invitation to a Small Business Boot Camp in San Francisco. The wonderful part is a company (Intel) sponsored me so I only had to pay $20.00 instead of $400.00. It's all day and includes breakfast and lunch. I had to complete a survey so they could track my in areas like finance, marketing, etc. and put me in the proper level workshops. I have 4 workshops to attend some advanced, some standard. Well, I am excited and the networking should be great...about 200 other small business owners will be in attendance! It's tomorrow so I will be sorting through materials, notes and impressions all week-end.

The last blessing is my creativity is really active. An old friend and I have hooked up and she is going to be going to open poetry readings with me around the Valley so I can read from my new poetry book, In The Sanctuary. I've completed 12 sketches for some new paintings that go into a related exhibit and have found some more avenues to explore that are on the museum/ international exhibit level. I'm very excited. Since I'm almost finished with the California Marine Life Sanctuaries, the new stuff is coming at a perfect time. Of course, I would like to go to Hawaii and work on the Marine Life Sanctuaries there. LOL!!

These are my blessings that I am counting besides that my health has improved over last year.

May the good Lord bless you and keep you. Thank Him and Count your blessings.

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.
John 15:7

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi hon, Loved your entry. I enjoyed reading about your wonderful blessings. God is so good to us, isn't HE?, I commented under other because for some reason I'm having a problem when I tried to sign up.
God bless you, dear one.