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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Armegeddon Clock

It's the Lenten Season and the 3rd Anniversary of the war in Iraq. Scatterings of anti-war protests happened in the world. I feel our country being shaken constantly by war deaths and injuries, staggering debt, the trauma of terror, and the breaking apart of our infrastructure from the beautiful national lands, to our help for the less fortunate, the very air we breathe. Huge powerful energy experiments are going on that even the scientists aren't sure of, we are in such debt that other countries have picked up our tab. The cutting down of our forests probably won't even go to our homes but overseas; we aren't a thriving nation right now, but steeped in debt, losing vital people and living in an atmosphere of distust. It's a more unfriendly country now, I think because we are afraid and that also causes selfishness driven by greed.
In my lifetime, our freedoms have had 2 major enemies...Communism and terrorism in the Islamic faith. Communism is relatively new historically, the Islamic aggressions are not. I have had several Muslim friends, taught their children, studied their art. I don't have a deep fear of that faith but I am always sorry they aren't Christian. I do have a fear of the words jihad and destroy. Anti-semitism is anti-Christ. My Savior was a Jew. Jerusalem is God's Holy City and it is where the Messiah is Returning. I have heard through email newsletters that even the Jews in Israel don't want that idea floating around.
Oh, but first the Prophecy is this War of Wars. My grandfather fought in the War to End All Wars, WWI and ended up sprayed with mustard gas and died later, lingering horribly, slowly at home from the effects, his genetic heritage damaged and sent on down through the generations to remember what a weapon of mass destruction is. Armageddon is the attack on Israel. Iran has vowed it. They are preparing for the reincarnation and return of the Prophet Mohammed soon. They truly believe Islam will rule the world. Sunnis and Shiites will unite.
What are we doing? Do we really know? I don't think so. There are groups throughout our country that practice this belief and will be available at once if called. No telling what they are prepared to do. They are all schooled in jihad. The government knows who they are, they have a website with names and addresses throughout our country and the world. We are so foolish.
It is funny because in my neighborhood, there is a coffeeshop in the mall where we all shop for groceries. I have had coffee there maybe twice because it is expensive and not a very friendly place. Now the Safeway has a Starbucks and outdoor tables and chairs so that is where a lot of people here go to sip coffee and chat. One of my neighbors at Christmas said that she is never going back to that coffeeshop because it is Iranian and no telling what terrorism goes on there they are so creepy to everyone. But that was wrong. Because the shop was decorated for Christmas with 2 little lit trees and ornaments and lights in the windows. I told her that a Muslim shop would not have Christmas decs in it. That there are Iranian Christians and that is who the woman who owns the shop is. Her mouth dropped open. It is a fact that there are even Jews in Iran but they are forbidden to go to Israel and they are content not to. I don't pretend to know the ways of the Middle East. I just know I am tired of the fighting and warring.
All I really know now is that Jesus comes to lay down the arms and make peace because we do not know how! We do not have any Road to Peace or understanding of the forces that be or maybe even leadership that cares enough because the values are not placed correctly.
For you alone are holy.
All nations will come
and worship before you,
for your righteous acts have been revealed.
Revelation 15:4

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