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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

So what are they gonna call Yosemite Park?

In California...

thousand year old redwoods will go for a glass of black wine.

The selling off or commercialization of our National Parks system should be grabbing the attention of every American who loves to vacation in them.

What company is going to buy Yosemite Park? AT&T? Our breathtaking 1,000 year old redwoods can be cut down to make way for vineyards for pinot noir wine. California will be one big vineyard instead of its glorious forests known world wide. The sequoias will be gone. Yellowstone, the Old Smokies, any national park will be auctioned off to pay off the war debt.

Don't go for it. Those lands belong to us, the people. We can pay off the debt other ways. We'll never get the lands back. It's taken nearly 100 years to build these wonderful vacation lands for the American people and the world to visit.

I've been trying to imagine the marine life sanctuaries gone. I remember the old rock and roll band Big Brother and the Holding Company. I didn't always get what it meant. All of sudden the title of the band made a lot of sense.

The big companies are taking over the Internet too. They will filter your searches and what can be published.

It is the end of the free world. Materialism and Capitalism and Communism. It is all based on greed and not what this country is about. As we fight a war for freedom why do we lose our own to the unscrupulous?

It is hard to watch the Republican Party tear down their own work, especially now that the Democratic Party is SO on board with conservation. At last when there is bi-partisanship the sponsoring party pulls out.

I feel betrayed.

Then the trees of the forest will


they will sing for joy before the


for He comes to judge the earth.

1 Chronicles 16:33

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