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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Great Bear Rainforest... Blessings in Canada!

The Great Bear Rainforest in Western Canada, specifically British Columbia, has at last, reached environmental protection. And if the program called Ecosystem Based Management that has been approved is truly implemented it will probably be a model for many other programs. Environmental groups who have been working with logging companies and the government for years have proclaimed a victory for years of conflict turned into consensus. Sierra Club and Greenpeace leaders are jubilant.

Conflict to Consensus: British Columbia Protects Great Bear Rainforest

This is one of the most wonderful articles I have read in a long time about conservation because it brings all sides together and extends into the future. Everyone went away from the mediation table happy!

Oh please, America, wake up to this example, and Brazil, and Central America, and Mexico. Let's keep our forests and practice sustainable logging! Costa Rica has 90% renewable energy now, and I have heard Honduras is protecting it's coastline because they live off tourism and are intelligent people. It can be done.

I feel good, my family is from Canada on my mom's side and I feel a part of this. My grandmother's family, the Sibbalds were from Scotland, then Canada coming to America to San Francisco, CA. Sir Robert Sibbald, was Scotland's John Muir, the premier botanist in the 15th c. recording as much of the nature of Scotland as he could. Anyone can support these conservation efforts. It only makes sense. It is our future and future generations', it's the life of the earth! It's God's plan.

It would be wonderful to one day have the entire coast from Alaska to Chile ecologically preserved!

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