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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Gregorian Calendar and the 12 Days of Christmas

The world spins to the Gregorian Calendar. It wasn't our time, legally, in the US until 1752. The last country in the world to adopt it was...Greece. It meant the total domination of time and the order of it of religious holidays by the Roman Catholic Church so of course the Orthodox Church of Greece which protects the early Christian church would be reluctant and still has a different holiday calendar. It is a complicated history and very political.

Here is the Wikipedia link to the information about
The Gregorian Calendar.

Christ was so powerful, even though he was born in a humble manger, His life spans over all the world and changed time and cultures and is remembered reverently over 2,000 years later simply because it is so human. A baby born in a manger with the animals and his loving parents. His guests are invited by angels and an amazing star that entices the intelligence of wise men from afar!

The other powerful religious influence, especially in this country is
The Reformed Church of America. It is the church of the Pilgrims, the church that founded New York City or New Amsterdam, clear up to The Crystal Cathedral in California. It is a founding member of the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches.

Today I received my daily Positive Thought email from The Crystal Cathedral, and really it is from their Pastor, Dr. Robert Schuller. He wrote of the Season of Christmas. That we had the season of Advent before Christmas, and Christmas Day until January 6th is the Twelve Days of Christmas or the Christmas Season which ends on Epiphany.

Epiphany marks the visit of the Magi to the Christ Child. He receives the 3 kings and their gifts with his parents. Caspar, Melchior, Balthasar, bring frankincense, myrrh and gold for the new born king.

So shopping for Christmas for next year isn't so unusual. It is the season. And getting bargains now at discounts, why not. It is a special time of the year. I know some women who are so organized they get some of their next year shopping done in this Christmas Season. LOL!!!

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