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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Epiphany...The Faith of the Magi

It's the last day of The Christmas Season...Epiphany. The day the Magi arrive after following a distant star to visit the Christ child and His parents. They are wise kings who bring gifts to a baby they believe is born fulfilling a prophecy. They travel from far lands guided by a mysterious star. Stopping in to pay respects to the local regent, King Herod, they perk up his interest as well. They bring gold, frankencense and myrrh (more valuable than gold) enough to get the Holy Family out of the area and into Egypt and safety, away from King Herod's jealous fears. The Magi are also afraid of Herod and leave quickly. It is a terrible time. It isn't a nice time in that area of the world right now either. Going to Bethlehem now is similar in some respects to the Biblical time of Christ's birth. You are in and out quickly and the fear of being killed is on high priority. Yes, it took a lot of faith, which was tested and was proved true for the Magi to reach Jesus and He was only a baby! How amazing is that!

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