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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Friday, December 23, 2005

Hosts of Angels Proclaim ~ Immanuel, God is Among Us!

Bethlehem can be seen from Jerusalem, it's that close. Now there is a wall there and you have to have a passport to get in because Israel has built the wall out of fear of terrorism. Bethlehem is Muslim controlled and has lost half of its business now. The tomb of Rachel is there as well and almost inaccessable, her tears are flowing for the children of Israel. When will peace come as we Christians celebrate the birthday of the Prince of Peace?

Angels appeared on earth to bring this good news to the most common of people, the shepherds in the fields, alone with their sheep. How glorious to see angels in the dark night light up the sky singing in angelic song, the heralds of God's Son being born. It was magnificent activity to behold I'm sure and where you are practically mesmerized. For me they were the first carolers singing the praises of God, giving Glory to the Highest Throne of our Father and showering blessings upon Earth with peace and goodwill towards all people.

This is a simple analogy but I was thinking I never hear carolers anymore. I went to my doctor Thursday and was sitting in her office waiting for her return from Stanford when I heard singing voices over the top of the normal hum of activity outside the door. I couldn't help it, I had to open the door, and then I had to follow the sounds out into the office lobby. There were several office staff singing merrily Christmas carols accompanied by a violinist! I was overjoyed! There were my carolers and the violinist was icing on the cake, thinking of my grandfather's playing in heaven!

Glory Be to God On High, and Peace on Earth, Goodwill Towards People Everywhere!

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