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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Monday, December 19, 2005

Feeling God's Love Coming Down From Heaven

For 2,000 years rounded off by a few, we humans have celebrated the birthday of God's only Son on Earth. I like that it is on December 24, around Winter Soltice, taking over Saturnalia, and near Hanukah and now Kwanzaa. It is the time when love opens up from heaven and giving abounds. The time when a saintly man continued the giving of gifts like the wise men who came following the star and left gifts for the baby Jesus. It is a time of visual feasting as well as foods. It is the beginning of our journey back to our Father in heaven to live with him forever in peace and love. Glory be to God, and peace on earth, good will towards people. Amen.

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