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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Monday, May 09, 2011

Pentacost in the Spring of 2011

It is the time of Pentacost which finalizes on June 12, 2011 this year. Pentacost marks the beginning of the Christian church for the rest of the world, Jews and Gentiles. It is the time to receive spiritual gifts from God and to recognize gifts given to others. I know I have gifts but I know also that I don't have certain gifts like healing.

I do have the gift of observation and this spring is a big lesson in observing what is happening on earth. The cataclysmic forces that cause earthquakes to be felt around the world and continents to move, meltdowns in nuclear reactors thought to be "safe", floods and rains of Biblical proportions, whirlwinds of the magnitude to think of the sufferings of Job who loses everything dear, fires that destroy whole forests, seemingly endless wars, terror, and suffering, and economic devastation all have come to us on earth in just the last few years, really since the beginning of the millineum. Each year brings some new frightening news until we wonder what is next...something even darker from space? It is a time to reflect, pray and ask for forgiveness from God and to forgive others as well. It is a time when no one is safe and we must look at prophecy to try to understand and to learn what we are doing to Creation and try to stop the endless catastrophes that strike all over our planet, the Earth, our home.  Some of us believe that it is the end of times and that nothing will change until our Savior, Lord Jesus returns to earth at Armegeddon.

 I hope peace will return to our planet and love will prevail.

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