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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Pt. Lobos State Park and 83 elephants in Malawi!

Another California State Park within the Monterey Bay Marine Life Sanctuary that will close.
A miracle happened, a miracle of people from around the world. A month ago, the IFAW announced that the last herd of elephants in Malawi (83 altogether) was at high risk. The local villagers were angry because they were competing for food with them so they set traps and were killing and maiming the animals. The Malawi government had set aside a reserve for the elephants but it was many miles away and the herd would have to be moved. Animal caregivers were having a difficult time moving them and a worldwide appeal went out to save them. It worked. People donated money from all over the earth for the elephants and now they are safe on their reserve.

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