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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Friday, November 17, 2006

Counting blessings at Thanksgiving time

It is the season...holidays are upon us, carols are playing at the mall, friends have the blues, people are arguing about how to have the big dinner, who's doing what, where are you going. I went to see Santa Clause 3 which is full of holiday magic with a friend and she was talking about fights in the holiday crowds and how to win them. I tend to avoid such conflicts and am hoping none come my way; my holiday mood is fragile enough thanks to death and divorce in my family. My once big, joyful clan has diminished to nothing. I am taking my mother to the airport Thanksgiving morning and she will be in the air and at airports all day into the night until she reaches Florida. She relishes being enroute having long ago left this holiday's festivities and its meaning. I, on the other hand, will return to cook the big feast. Even if no one sits down with me for a slice of pie, I want to remember to be thankful for something. I may find only one thing or person but it will be something.
No matter what I can pray for more peace, love and hope and joy in this world.

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