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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Friday, October 20, 2006

Thank you, Lord, and God bless you.

I am so happy since I received good news about my health. My blood tests came back and I don't need statins for my is getting lower due to my diet and exercise. Also I am not pre-diabetic anymore! Praise God. All my dangerous health problems are in remission or evaporating. I do attibute taking my medicine and taking care of myself with 50% of the cure but I believe God answered my prayers for better health pulling in the other half of the efforts.

Now I just need to keep my exercise up which I find very difficult at times. I swim, play tennis, bicycle and walk plus have an ellipical rider and workout tapes with weights. My tennis partner is laid up right now and we won't be playing again until spring. I should be able to rotate enough in my activities not to get bored and plateau. Still, I find tennis to be the biggest boost I have for dropping pounds and over-all fit feelings. One of my doctors told me if I played a set of tennis a day, I would have no need for meds. WOW! It is the anaroebic kind of exercise that is most beneficial.

Caring about yourself, following doctors orders shows God you are willing to do the work and matter to yourself. Our bodies are our temples. Answers to prayers about health, and they are happening all around us, come from our efforts as well. Trust in God and put your faith in prayers and you won't be disappointed! God bless you.

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