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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Still remembering...

A blogger friend from AOL emailed this name tag in memory of 9-11-01. It feels good to see my name there with the heroes at the WTC in NYC, not that I'm a hero. No, as an American who feels the losses and is inspired by the courage, I can see my name there. My memory is part of this tragedy. I had to fly a few days after the tragedy, half way across the country. I was visiting my daughter and her family and saw the attacks live on TV as they happened that fateful morning. This year I watched Flight 93 on 9-11-06 and shook all over again as the planes hit the towers, watched the fears, the courage of these brave people who endured to the end. Who can forget this horrible day in our history? I won't.

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