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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Autumnal Equinox ~ Celebrating Roadless Forests

Today is the Fall Equinox, first day of Autumn.
It is a gorgeous day in Silicon Valley in Califonia. It's beautiful but we need rain because of the fire danger.
This photo and post celebrate a Federal Court ruling reinstituting The Roadless Forests. God bless us.

Hang The Water On The Planet

Hang the water on the planet

Don't delay.

Lilies, violets and cypress

Grow there.

They bought their life for free.

Hang the water on the planet

Don't forget.

The sun needs

To play a prism

The color wands

To spread magic

To Humankind.

All Rights Reserved 2006

1 comment:

1Green Thumb said...

Nice picture, I cann't beleive fall is already here.. kinda a bummer. I don't know what the roadless forests are, but it sounds like a good idea from the name :)