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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Heat Wave Hot!

This heat wave was so hot it was sweltering even at the coast. Breaking all records, it has endured for 12 days. The weatherpeople say this is the last day and we will have our marine layer coming in from the ocean to cool things down to the 90's the rest of the week. LOL!!

It was like a solar storm. Stores were actually sold out of fans and air-conditioners and even if you had them, if your neighborhood transformer blew out, the power was gone for almost two days until PG & E repairmen could replace them.
Lots of people weren't prepared for it because it was so unusual. There isn't a great need for A/C like in the Midwest although I like it. But this time it was humid, muggy and polluted in the atmosphere as well for days. UGH!
I went out to shoot photos of a lovely bright pink branch of bougaineville flowing down an old weathered fence and it had shriveled up to parched brown. Another wall of vibrant orange geraniums had turned dusty burnt orange-brown so I missed my July flower shoot. Darn!
Hopefully, the rest of the summer will be pleasantly warm. Maybe some of the flowers will come back.

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