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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Monday, June 05, 2006

So much to do...Thanks House of Reps.~No Offshore Oil Drilling!

Thanks to the House of Reps in Congress for turning down US Coastal offshore oil drilling. That saves the California coast and the 3 Marine Life Sanctuaries, one, Channel Islands has a new born eaglet on it, first time in 100 years. The Endangered Species Act works, the American Bald Eagle is now off the list and living more normally.

I had a terrible paranoid conspiracy theory scenerio the other day. The drillers came and started a massive earthquake on the faultline that lies off shore our coast which caused a huge tsnaumi that took out most of Malibu and the LA beach area...loss of life and property staggering. Oh well...just a scenerio of my paranoid mind.

Well, the drilling in the Arctic Refuge will go on as planned. The area will be torn and uprooted, the wildlife scattered, the ugly industrial complex will reign and we may not find oil!!

President Bush came out for ethanol again in a big way. I do believe he is hedging his bets. What a political animal. At least he knows it is addictions to power and speed and oil that bring on this destruction of our planet. When the hydrogen fuel cells take over we will still have power and speed but our vehicles will clean the air. Amazing.

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