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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Looking in my Hell folder...the hottest gas on earth is hotter than the stars; plastic surgery can give you forehead lumps for the alien look.

I had to give it all to science this last week as far as doing the best to send us all to Hell is concerned. Accidently (I wonder) the scientists at Sandia Labs in NM produced a gas hotter than the interior of stars (like our sun) on their Z machine. Z always makes me think of the end. 2 billion Kelvin is beyond my comprehension but the color of the Z machine helped me to get it. Like a good sci-fi movie the picture of the beast that produced the gas (other than the humans) is a gasey blue heart shape, lit from within, click on this link...So cute is called Arcs and Sparks to match the cool blue lit heart shape.

The incredible thing is the scientists wanted to make sure it wasn't just an "Ooopps" because it wasn't planned. So they re-created it over and over. Well, whew, luckily it didn't blow us up in the first place!! LOL!!

I used to suffer interminably about oil paints and their toxicity filtering into our water supplies until I finally gave them up. It hurt one at a time, no cadmiums...yellows especially were deadly.

For some light-heartedness, I found on Boing-Boing plastic surgery of sub-dermal implants being performed for those earthlings that feel trapped on the planet. They can have lumpy implants forged on their foreheads and with tatoos...well, it is just amazing how transformations take place and Presto! you are an Alien. I am confident that surgery on vocal chords or mechanical implants will be able to switch the voice over to one more in tune with Martian standards of sounds.

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