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Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
P. B. Shelley

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Today we will bury our dead

The most barbaric have been caught and stopped in the massacre at Tuscon, AZ. Today is the funeral of the little 9 year old who was murdered because she was following her need to know more about our country. She was a wonderful, active little girl, maybe a genius. A child. She was born on 9-11-2001. The bully monster that killed her, women and unarmed men, is imprisoned, people speculating on his mental stability. I believe he was incredibly strong and stable that day to pull off what he a demon! Yes, we can demonize. Ted Bundy, the terrifying serial murderer of young women, showed how during his trial, the judge even declared he had demonized in front of them. It is the opposite of an angel. Maybe Christina Green was an angel on earth meeting a demon in the Biblical spiritual world. She is with God now and we as a civilized country bury our dead and need to mourn.

It just didn't stop and that horrible Baptist, I can't believe they are in that denominiation, Church was coming to harrass the mourners, to interupt the funeral ceremony. Are they another band of demons? How barbaric is that!!?? The Govenor of Arizona and the legislators had a shining moment when they outlawed the group from doing their damage. The world was glad the power of the American government stepped in.

Lord take your little angel to heaven today. Goodby, Christina.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

thanks for the inspirations...Nathan Oliviera's memorial today at Stanford U.

One of the great artists of the 20th century, Nathan Oliviera passed away and his memoiral is today at Stanford University where he was a long-time teacher, mentor, professor, inspiration. When I started seriously painting in 1965, he was one of the American artists that influenced me. He was unique but also part of the West Coast/Bay Area School of artists. I only knew his work but when I moved here I became aware of the school and who was in it and their work. It was incredible to me, how much my work of the 60's fit into that group. Of course, I was still a student but I confounded many of my professors. They only knew to let me paint, that I had my own direction and was a colorist. Sometimes though they didn't get it. When I moved to the West Coast and continued my education the art professors were even more enlightened and I was very comfortable in my work. But they always said, you need to move to California or Mexico because of your colors. When I started my business, Starbell Enterprises, with 4 handpainted greeting cards in watercolors of the Monterey Bay National Marine Life Sanctuary, I was told people liked my colors locally because they were "California colors". I felt right at home and my business has only grown!

Oliviera was an inspiration from the first painting I ever saw of his. I went to his show of new work at the San Jose Museum of Art a few years ago and the inpiration was still working...although the timbre of his work had shifted somewhat. I love his poetic and haunting side, his out of the mists, the blue, the hiddeness revealed but you have to think about what it was is stimulating. That's it, I carry his images with me mentally, one of the few artists of all time that stays with me...such a profound man he was. And really typically an artist simply observing life around him...his own life deeply grounded in family, education, career, friends...truly an amazing person, a genuine artist! His passing is noted, his influence will stay, his spiritual life will continue! Peace and bless you, sir!

Thank you for everything you gave to me.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Hope for Peace, Love and Joy ~ 2011

This is my prayer for the people of the earth...Peace Love Joy, if you look hard enough, you will find...

    Peace  Love  Joy

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Epiphany and Twelfth Night

January 6th is Epiphany and Twelfth Night, the end of the 12 Days of Christmas. The Magi bring their gifts to the Holy Family and decide to go home. Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus leave Bethlehem for Egypt to escape the slaughter of the innocents under King Herod. Terrified of the prophecy of the coming Messiah/King he has all newborn boy babies slaughtered in his kingdom to remove the threat, certain the coming King has been born. The Magi gifts include gold and myrrh which was even more valuable than gold. Myrrh was used for embalming and foreshadows the prophecy of crucifixtion of the King of Kings. The Holy Family leaves provided for by God to return to the land of slavery and exodus...Egypt.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

The Twelve Days of Christmas

Some people still have their Christmas lights up...even their indoor trees. Don't laugh. Maybe some neighbors are lazy or are still basking in the warm glow of Christmas cheer, but it is still the holiday. It is the 12 Days of Christmas and will be until January 6 when Epiphany arrives and the Twelfth Night. Some Christians celebrate Epiphany until January 19th! Actually there is a tradition that takes it to the first day of Lent. Please remember these traditions before you chastise a neighbor for being lazy about their decorations. I take down all my outward decorations but leave my tree and nativity up until 12th Night. More on this later.